
CREATIVE DIGITAL GRAPHICS, ANIMATION AND COMMUNICATION | We are telling African stories with creative media

About maishaafrica

Maisha Digital make full use of new media, from targeted digital strategy and social media communication, painstaking data analysis and disruptive communication campaigns that allows African stories to create top of mind awareness for an intended African audience. 

You get good at what you focus on, which is why our service niche is precise; defined by our passions and social concerns. We care deeply about amplifying African women, educating the African child and inspiring the next generation, sustainability and our harmony with our environment. Above all, we care about constructive narratives about Africa. So much in fact, that we make sure we embody these very values ourselves: Social and cultural relevance, creative professionalism and originality.



1. Standard animation suite (Graphic and Times)

If you want to cut through online noise, and grab and hold your audience attention, don’t just use pictures or videos. Use animated explainer videos that quickly effectively captivate your target audience with Facts about your brand or social cause. Don’t just do it with any old animation. Do it with Graphic and Times from Maisha Online Africa. For example

2. Advanced animation suite (Plantain Chips) 

If you want to captivate your audience and leave an impression, tell them a story. Use  our animated story form animated videos that paint a compelling picture and leave a lasting impression about your brand or social cause. Don’t just do it with any old animation. Do it with Plantain Chips from Maisha Online Africa. For example...

3. Premium animation suite (Kelewele)

Maisha Online Africa is proud to present our Premium animation suite. ‘Kelewele’ allows you to convey a human story through a testimonial or by presenting a character-centered scenario that connects emotionally with your audience. With nuanced and subtle character animation, your audience doesn't just hear or see the story, they are pulled in through non-verbal cues of communication our animated characters are able to express, in detailed and immersive scenes and top-notch storytelling. Create empathy with Kelewele from Maisha Online Africa. For example


The Real question... (2023) Published Mon 19-06-2023